Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week Six: Poster Layouts

Our team came up with the following rough layouts planning what we needed on each panel and how to arrange these for the most effective portrayal of our scenario.

Future Vision:
For this panel we want the masterplan to be the main focus, explaining various layers of our imagined scenario (self-contained, mixed-use, densified etc.). Surrounding this will be graphs, diagrams and historical maps explaining the evolution of the CBD and how this imagined scenario came to be.

Sustainable Issues:
This panel will explain the sustainable solutions to the key issues in our imagined scenario. These will mainly be new transport infrastructure, new building typology and, social sustainability aspects.

People and Lifestyles:
This panel will be a little different to the others showing a more interactive, in depth, representation of the future by providing an insight into peoples lives in the scenario. This will be by giving an example of a day in the life of a typical family in Brisbane 2050. We plan to lay this panel out with an indication of the technological influence on the lives of people - by setting it out like an iphone message.

Architectural Opportunity:
This panel will be mainly to give an insight into what a scene from the future scenario will look like. This will hopefully be a representation of all our ideas and capture the lifestyles and of the people within it.

TIMELINE: The timeline will run throughout the 4 panels along the bottom acting as a connecting device and giving the posters some continuity.

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