Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week Thirteen: Floor Plans

Below are some rough floor plans showing PUBLIC and PRIVATE spaces, and the key concepts for each level:
Ground Floor:
The ground floor has been designed to act as a public thoroughfare, a new laneway for the city, as well as a new public space to sit and linger. This gives the user the option of being able to pass straight through or spend time within the site. The stairs leading up to the first floor act as a public interface where users may sit and watch the courtyard activity. The thoroughfare will consist largely of retail outlets including cafes, restaurants and takeaways , along with information facilities and directories for tourists, courtyard space and public seating creating an urban laneway vibe for the site and will continue with the retail character of the area. This attracts users to the site and also allow for a transient experience of the building.

First Floor:
The first floor consists of the foyer and reception/ticket office area, theatre, an exhibition space where people can also gather before and after theatre events and amenities.

Second Floor:
The theatre exit is located on the second level where there is another exhibition/events space where people can gather after theatre events. A cafe is located on the balcony outside with outdoor seating which provides maximised views of Burnett Lane.

Third Floor:
The third floor consists of three flexible rooms which can be used for a range of educational purposes. For example, dance, art, acting or language classes etc.

Fourth Floor:
The fourth floor is a rooftop bar/cinema which can be used for both events, as well as use by the public.  Cinema times will be showcased at Ground level throughout the week. This area has both views of Adelaide Street, King George Square and Burnett Lane.

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