Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week Fifteen: Final Presentation and Crit Reflection

Final A1 Panel:

Panel Presentation Reflection: I was pretty happy with the final layout of my panel, although if I had to do it again I think I would have made it a bit more spaced out with maybe a little bit of explanatory text or key words included. I think the inclusion of the diagrams worked well to communicate how the building works. The site plan was very small and it may have been better to make this a bit bigger somehow or make it stand out a bit more. The colour scheme could have also been a bit more bright to make certain images pop and stand out on the board. Overall I was pretty pleased with the panel board in it's role in communicating my main ideas and the key images my the project.

Final movie of showing the Cultural Centre experience:

Movie Presentation Reflection: The movie's main role was to communicate the spacial experience and communicate a greater understanding of how the building works. Although the quality wasn't the greatest (this was the best that it would come out as) I think it communicated these aspects quite well, giving the tutors a better understanding of what the building would look and feel like.


In hindsight, I think there were a few changes that I could have made to the building in order to make it more feasible in my future scenario. The tutors said that the communication of how the building serves the future scenario was lacking a bit and this needed some more explanation in the discussion afterwards. I think the inclusion of a bit more research would give this a bit more depth and would show my understanding a bit more. On the contrary, they said that the masterplan worked very well in communicating my future scenario. The tutors also questioned the scale of the building - as the future scenario involved a densified environment where space is scarce - so the scale of this building may not be feasible as it may have needed to be taller. I think a possible solution to this issue would be to create a taller building with different uses on top of the cultural centre, such a commercial, or even some related cultural uses to establish the centre as a cultural hub rather than a node. Another comment was that Yasu was concerned that the roof of the structure may drip. Although he said this may be unavoidable, the details of gutters and down piping may have helped this issue. Davor also appreciated the efforts that I had gone to to kept the facade kept in tact and continue the character of the street as this acknowledges the contexts in which the building sits.

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